Pouring Petals, Embracing Thorns

Black Rose BarCo is the passion project of Benedict Truhouff. Founded in 2023 in Saint Petersburg FL, Barco was created as a project to celebrate the service industry and highlight the snarky and the Dive aspects of bartending. With over seven years in the biz, and management of two bars in the heart of downtown, Benedict has an absolute love for the several types of bars and the vast personalities of the bartenders. BarCo is meant to be a celebration of hospitality, but more focused on the bartenders themselves. Pouring Petals refers to the beautiful cocktails we all pour; Embracing Thorns refers to the imperfect parts of hospitality, the hecticness of a rush, the madness of a busy weekend, and the sometimes snarky attitude and quips we let it out in the midst of chaos. It is our goal as an entity to provide an accepting culture to our community to welcome all walks of life to us, we want a strong focus on supporting education, and giving back to our community when the opportunity arises. Thank you for visiting, enjoy your stay!